Monday, May 9, 2011

Tree #2: Suckers Gone Wild

I see this tree every day on my walks to and from the bus stop, and it always catches my eye. There are three huge suckers- one is almost as wide in caliper as the tree trunk itself. There are a few really funny things about this situation, though.

In this close-up picture, you can see that these suckers have been pruned! Yes, pruned, as if they were separate trees! Especially on the main sucker, most of the little branches have been cut down to nubs.

If left unchecked, these suckers will probably grow much more vigorously and wildly than the actual desired tree, and there will most likely be issues with crossing branches. There may also be lack of vigor in the tree, because of all that energy and sugar being invested in the suckers.

Lastly, I'd just like to point out the old black plastic left from when the tree was planted and tied to stakes. If left, the bark on the trunk will eventually envelop the plastic. Bad!

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